
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fraction Review {Math Lab}

One of my favorite things about teaching where I teach, is the freedom to go outside. 6th graders NEED to go outside sometimes, and this is a PERFECT math lab to get their never ending energy out, while maintaining their focus and keeping them accountible for learning. I do this at the end of our unit on fractions (which since it's 7th grade level math is working towards mastery, so they're pretty confident on these concepts)

Fractionopoly is a game-based math game that I created help get my students outside, and also have a fun way to integrate fractions, estimation, and integers. I guarentee your students will have fun playing this game just because they get to go outside!

  • Colored sidewalk chalk (or sidewalk paint)
  • Open space for creating life-sized game board
  • Foam dice (2)
  • 1 small whiteboard and whiteboard marker per team
  • Candy
  • Master Game Board (for answer key)

Time Period: 1 class period (30 + mins)


Select an appropriate place to create your game board. Depending on the size of your game board, you may need a lot of space, or not so much space. Also, if you have gravel, I suggest using chalk paint. I used regular chalk and the gravel pretty much ate my chalk!

Next, outline your game board and remember to count the number of squares you are using. I used white chalk to outline and colored chalk to write inside the squares.

Use your master copy of the game board (that has the problems and answers) to write in each of the squares. Be sure to include "fun" squares like "move ahead 3 spaces", "Go back to start", "Send one team to jail", "Candy" (like free parking) and plenty of problem spaces for students to solve.

This should be done before your class starts. I did it before school and I think if I would have used chalk paint it wouldn't have taken as long, although total I spent about 30 mins. creating the board.

During Class:
Place your students into three or four equal teams and give each team a small whiteboard for working problems, and a whiteboard marker to write with. I remind my students that their grade for the day depends on their participation and behavior outside and during the game.

Playing the Game:
  • This is a classic-game in that each team takes turns rolling the dice.

  • The team that arrives back at "Start" safely is the winning team.
  • Students walk around after each roll to their designated spot.

  • Teams take turns rolling and must have a CORRECT answer to their problem by the time it is their time to roll again, or they forfeit their turn.

  • An incorrect answer warrants a loss of a turn. If a player rolls the die and lands upon an occupied square, they are required to more to the square directly behind and follow instructions on that square.
  • Students that land on the "Candy" square earn 1 piece of candy (or other small-but-fabulous prize).

I hope that you have as much fun as I did playing this game. It's a great way to review before a holiday like Thanksgiving!


  1. How absolutely FUN for your kids! What an inspiring example of how you can make learning more enjoyable. Thanks for posting at Math Monday!
    Cindy @ love2learn2day

  2. I love this site. You have so many great ideas! I will be back checking every week! It's tough to sometimes find great math ideas that fit middle i'm glad I found this!!!

  3. Loving this! I am going to give it a try with some of the kids I tutor. You are awesome.
    Adrianne at

  4. This looks like so much fun!! I can't wait to try it with my students!

  5. Oh my gosh! This is great! I am definitely doing this in my class soon...the end of the year is upon us and this is perfect time to head outdoors.

    Teaching in Room 6

  6. What an awesome idea! i will definitely be borrowing this idea. Thanks so much for sharing! I'm your newest follower. Feel free to stop by my blog sometime.

  7. Love this idea! Thanks for sharing. I'm your newest follower!


  8. Great idea! Where can I get a Master Copy of the game?

  9. Looks like this post was added a while back but I just had to say thank you! I am always looking for new "get them moving" ideas. I absolutely love your creative thinking.


  10. Love it! I wish I had been in your math class- I definitely would have liked math more! I'm your newest follower!

  11. This is awesome! I can't wait to steal it!!

  12. This is great! I'm going to do this!

  13. Hi! Do you have a copy of the master game baord you used? :)
