
Thursday, August 25, 2011

it CAN be done. really.

I've decided to start this blog as I was looking around for other middle school math teacher blogs.
Couldn't. find. any.
So, I've decided to bring my ideas to the world of teaching....I just hope you all think my ideas are as fun as my students and I do!

I'll post every Friday and categorize them in "pages" for your convienence. Spread the word all you middle schoolers! Let's make math FUN again! :)


  1. Hello! I found this site through and I love your ideas! I teach 7th grade math. I am very interested in your math journals and would love to see more pictures if you have time. I am using your post-it idea for my lesson on exponent rules comng up soon! Thanks.

  2. I am teaching 6th grade math this coming school year so I'm finding anything to help make it fun. Thanks to your blog, I now have lots of fun ideas. Thanks so much!
    S. Ford
