
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Coordinate Graphing {Math Lab: Centers}

If you're caught teaching a grade level like me where your students know about coordinate graphing, but need to "polish the edges" with it and practice, this math lab is super fun. I do it every year with my 6th grades and modify it for my pre-algebra students. I got the Nerf gun idea from a good friend of mine, and came up with the centers on my own. I'll upload a PDF of the lab for you - just please site my site or name if you use it. :)

  • Nerf Dart gun (shoots 6 - 8 darts)
  • Suction cup darts
  • laptop or computer with internet access
Time Allotment:
  • 1 class period (60 mins) after quick refresher notes

Place students into four groups, as equally as possible and rotate every 10 - 15 minutes. Allow enough time for each group to complete the Nerf Gun center. All other centers can be completed at home.

Center #1: Nerf Guns
Have one student be the "shooter" and shoot the coordinate graph. Another student is the "recorder" and records on the shooter's paper the ordered pairs. A third student will pull off the darts from the board after the shooter is finished shooting and call off the ordered pairs for each dart. Additional students may help pull off and record. Rotate within the group so that each student has had a chance to do each job.

Center #2: Coordinate Graphing
Students will complete in their group the coodinate graphing hidden picture. Remind students how to complete these and that they need to connect points as they go to create the picture.

Center #3: Internet Resource
Students will collectively complete 25 problems on the IXL website. I have a trial subscription, but students were able to also complete this at home without a subscription and it is a GREAT resource for math!

Center #4: Word Problem Practice
Students can collaboratively complete the problems on the provided Word Problem Worksheet (by Glencoe - Lesson 2-3)

Wanna help Math-n-spire remain free to reproduce? You can support the site by donating on the right through Paypal. :)

PDF of Math Lab: {Click Here}


  1. I LOVE the Nerf gun! How fun! Thanks for this great idea! When IXL expires there are a lot of fun graphing games online that help kids practice plotting points. Our favorite is The Maze Game.

  2. I saw this on pinterest and love the nerf idea. I hope to try it with my class in the upcoming weeks. I'll be mentioning it in a post soon.


  3. I can't get the PDF file for the Coordinate Graphing {Math Lab: Centers} to download. Is there any way I can get it. It looks like a great lab that I would like to try!

  4. yes I don't see the PDF file for the Coordinate Graphing either. I really like it! Any chance someone knows where to get it?

  5. I will try and reattach tonight. Some math labs do not have a PDF because they are included in the math lab book. This lab is also a part of the lab book. :)

  6. I will try and reattach tonight. Some math labs do not have a PDF because they are included in the math lab book. This lab is also a part of the lab book. :)
