Percent of change project involving a comparison of today's (2010) prices to that of 1950. Students will see which era had "more" money.
Geometry Map & Geometry Bug - $4.00
A great way to end your Geometry Unit with this 2-day project. It brings together geometry concepts like lines, polygons and polyhedral in a fun, life-applicable way.
Interactive Math Notebook - $30.00
A complete notebook modeled after Glencoe's Course 2 2010 edition Textbook. This notebook contains ALL your resources to teach 7th grade level math with a colorful, interactive book to engage students. Full, step-by-step "teachable" answer key is also included in this 181-page download.

Surface Area & Volume Bingo - $5.00
This chevron themed Bingo game will entertain your students as you prepare to review for a test or just want to maintain practice. Set includes 24 slides (including question and answer) for unique game play. Can be played in teams or individually.