
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Polygon Posters - {Chevron Theme}

So, my school is in the process of building it's building (we've been in different locations the past eight years working on getting a permanent home and since we're private, we don't receive state funding). So next year, I will have my own classroom in which I can plan on really going all out in decorating. Not that I haven't had my own classroom, but it's always been shared by a youth group or some other organization when we're not there.

So I get to let my creativity flow onto the walls....

And I'm a tad excited about it!

I've also been learning about digitally creating things.

Like posters.

So, I just created some polygon posters to put up on my walls for my high school geometry students. These would work great in middle school too...

Here's a sample of one of the posters:
They are made to print out on 8.5 x 11" paper, but in the print screen, you can easily change the paper size. I made them in different colors, and have all the polygon names from triangle through dodecagon. Ten pages total.
If you would like a download of these awesome posters, you can get it from my TeachersPayTeachers store, or from the link below through PayPal. The set of TEN posters is a steal at only $5!

Note: Any purchase made AFTER 8pm CST may not be emailed until 6am the next morning. If you cannot wait that long, visit my TpT store.
Hope you're having a great summer. If you're like me, you're probably already planning for the upcoming school year! 


  1. I'm making the switch to high school math this year (Algebra 1 and Geometry). I'm looking forward to seeing more of your fabulous posts, products, and ideas geared for high school!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! I am excited to post some "higher" level projects, games and stuff on here. My heart is to make math FUN and have my students LEARN in the process :)
